Monday, December 27, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

OOOOOh discovery

Check it out HERE

would like very much... could be something to look into...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Funny things we have come across this christmas

Ok so that one may have only been selected cause it used the words "hella balls to the wall awesome" haha

My Parents to a T.

Say no more....

Merry Christmas lovelies

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wordy Arty-ness

" Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze us,
they're supposed to help us discover who we are."
-- Bernice Johnson Reagon --

People never learn anything by being told,
they have to find out for themselves.
-- Veronkia Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho --

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I guess its christmas

blew two weeks wages on this years festivities, i hope everyone likes them. Still waiting on two packages to arrive from the states. something tells me they may not get here in time :(. fingers crossed tho

Monday, December 13, 2010

Too hot to trot

Its been uber hot down here in Auckland New Zealand, So hot that when i was out for lunch today i wished i could go for a swim in my ice cold glass of water

Imagine my excitement when MonMon said we were going shopping for a paddling pool for the flat a few days later!

Oh Geri you are so cute! :)

Reliving childhood. tick.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

For the love of Dog.

Some summer jobs i just don't mind :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Art of Friendship

One of my best friends turned 21 recently, meaning lil old me got her first chance at writing a 'best friend' speech for a 21st party. I was honored to be asked to speak, it i think it went down well :)

This was my speech:

This is typical, usually you can’t get me to shut up, but when you ask me to talk I can’t think of what to say.
I’ve had the pleasure of being one of Elle’s best friends for about a year now, although it feels much much longer. We’ve both grown up a tremendous amount this year, and we’ve been through pretty much every little thing not far from each other’s side.
Elle and I first met at a friends flat and clicked instantly, we appeared to have so much in common, and I have learnt over the past year just how much we actually do. Things such as we were both born and raised in South Auckland (which Elle is ever so proud of) Her mum went to the same high school I did. We have a similar sense of humor and the list goes on and on.
So, the first time we met we were at an infamous Rose Road flat party, Elle discovered some yellow caution tape – you know the kind police use to cordon of an area? Well for some reason there was some at this party and Elle decided she wanted to make a sash out of it, she decided I was the woman for the job, unfortunately, even though I’m called Sash, I have no skills in this area whatsoever, I tried my best and she ended up with something that resembled a sash but didn’t really last long. Midway through the nite it started falling off, by this stage I have a slightly intoxicated Elle (who I’ve just met I might add) running all over the house to find me every 5 minutes with her bottom lip out, giggling, telling me to FIX it!
After this party I didn’t see Elle for a few months until New Years in fact. I arrive at Tania’s place not knowing who’s coming or how memorable/life changing this trip would actually be. I Get out of the car and this bubbly blond runs straight at me giggling, jumping up and down and we’re soon chatting away like we’ve seen each other just yesterday, I instantly felt at ease. (Like I now do every time Elle and I are together). We get to Waihi, Elle and I share a tent (in which we are later joined by the now entire friend group) (Thank goodness for guides And their big tents!) Over the coming days we slowly become inseparable. Which to this day is still the case.
On the last night in Waihi, we were running low on booze and the remaining group says, “Hey, lets play a drinking game!” I roll my eyes and say I’ll sit this one out, I say to Elle I’ll have just ONE drink, don’t knock It over. Midway through the game she gets excited and knocks it over, proving yet again Elle you are great for keeping me sober. Thanks.
We get back to Auckland and two days go by, I get a message from the now other best friend Stephen (who we had only just met also) “wanna come over?” My instant response – Only if we can go get Elle, so he picks me up, and we venture into the depths of Manurewa to find Elle. We head back to Stephen’s, play rock band for hours on end and then talk late into the night, at about 2am I turn around on the couch thinking to myself, goodness, it’s a bit quiet isn’t it? And Elle’s fallen asleep, we wake her up at 6am cause we’re still awake and bored, she says “I want ice cream” strange child… as a result I have learnt to expect the unexpected, go with the flow, and laugh things off with Elle.
There have been many late night antics Elle and I have gotten ourselves into one way or another. Memorable things such as driving from one end of Auckland to another and back again after only 2 hours sleep delivering roses for Valentines day to our group of friends. On another occasion completely covering Stephen’s car with post-it notes in the Sylvia Park car park while he was in at a late night movie with Matt.
Synonyms for the word friend in the dictionary are acquaintance, ally, associate, buddy, chum, cohort, companion, comrade, consort, familiar, mate, pal, playmate, roommate, spare? And well wisher.
Of which you are to me all of the above,
Thank you for being there with me through everything, Making me laugh through the tears, not screaming at me even though I’m never ready when you arrive to pick me up, for putting up with my bad jokes and the list could go on forever.
Thank you for your friendship, I don’t where I would be without you.
Also Congratulations on completing your communications degree, you now have an official license to talk. (Not that that ever stopped you He he. I’m so proud of you.
Happy 21st birthday ☺

Friday, October 22, 2010

wordyness "KATGR 2010"

And with that it's all over...

Well, deadline was at 9am this morning, and guess who got everything done and handed in? all installed and sorted. Must admit, while i'm a tad stoaked, i'm also a bit aprehensive, what ifs and doubts continuously flood my mind. i have my fingers crossed and have faith in the fact that i have done the best i could with the time i did, and in the circumstances i was under, all in all i would've done better had i not had this darn glandular fever, but hey... i got there.... now lets pray for a pass yeah? sooo exhibition is on next wed (the 27th) wanna come chill with me and check out some cool shit? yeah .... you know you do! see you there yea?

xxoo S.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Last Shoot for "KATGR 2010"
-11 Rolls of Ilford HP5 400 Film
- 4 hours in darkroom
Brilliance when there's stuff on the film :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lead up to EOY 2010

Oh the madness, my studio is a mess and so is my temporary studio aka The lounge of chez Wilson. Countdown is on like donkey kong... but not really....

Monday, October 18, 2010

The end is Near

...and i'm stressed beyond belief ...

Friday, October 1, 2010

The End is near

Deadline is looming - 21st of October is hand-in infact :S
The stress of my current workload in combination with suffering from a "chronic" case of Glandular fever and a whole host of other health problems (which i've never had to deal with before) isn't helping to much.
I will pass
I must pass
I will get everything done

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thank You

A heartfelt thank-you to everyone involved in the success of our recent show @ Shed^10 entitled "Two Ten"
If you came on opening nite, had a glass of wine with us, helped with set up, helped with pack down, lended a hand,popped in during the weekend for a gawk, came to the after party, played taxi, gave some ideas or were just there when any of us looked stressed and needed some advice THANK-YOU!

You rock my world :)

Its all madness

So much going on its insane, end of year is rushing at me, feedback from the show has been overwhelming, i'll be posting stuff in reflection of Two Ten sometime in the next week.(when i've gotten some work done)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Shameless plug of sorts

Well There's 5 days until install, my images are ready to go. (nothing is ever FINISHED in my world) there will always be little details i will decide to muck around with at the last second which will mean the project either makes it or breaks it. At this stage i've 'banked' the images and am leaving them alone, if i just keep working on them i know i will get very little done this week aaand i really can't spare the time, with the two week break on the horizon and the huge mountain of work piling up on each of my desks, both in studio and in my room!
So far my Saturday night has consisted of grading my prints, making 'To Do' lists for the next week and getting myself organised for the week ahead. So much to do and such little time.

please do come along to my exhibition Opening THIS Thursday if you're in Auckland, it would mean so very much, and i would love to see all of you :)

"Two Ten"
Year 2 Bachelor of Visual Arts Exhibition

77 Cook Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Friday to Sunday the exhibition will be open from 11am - 4pm for viewing if you can't make it to the opening night.
I'm told there'll be signs directing you to the entrance (For the directionally retarded like myself)

Facebook event - Here

After party will be held at Cassette Number Nine on Vulcan Lane.

Thursday, August 19, 2010