Saturday, August 28, 2010

Shameless plug of sorts

Well There's 5 days until install, my images are ready to go. (nothing is ever FINISHED in my world) there will always be little details i will decide to muck around with at the last second which will mean the project either makes it or breaks it. At this stage i've 'banked' the images and am leaving them alone, if i just keep working on them i know i will get very little done this week aaand i really can't spare the time, with the two week break on the horizon and the huge mountain of work piling up on each of my desks, both in studio and in my room!
So far my Saturday night has consisted of grading my prints, making 'To Do' lists for the next week and getting myself organised for the week ahead. So much to do and such little time.

please do come along to my exhibition Opening THIS Thursday if you're in Auckland, it would mean so very much, and i would love to see all of you :)

"Two Ten"
Year 2 Bachelor of Visual Arts Exhibition

77 Cook Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Friday to Sunday the exhibition will be open from 11am - 4pm for viewing if you can't make it to the opening night.
I'm told there'll be signs directing you to the entrance (For the directionally retarded like myself)

Facebook event - Here

After party will be held at Cassette Number Nine on Vulcan Lane.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just a little show...

New Spacey space

This is where you'll find me this semester, sooo much better than the previous, i'm not in the midst of the room, i have natural light and sun! a view of the skytower and peace and quiet! super good. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up!

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Direction

Coming soon... stay tuned.