Friday, October 22, 2010

wordyness "KATGR 2010"

And with that it's all over...

Well, deadline was at 9am this morning, and guess who got everything done and handed in? all installed and sorted. Must admit, while i'm a tad stoaked, i'm also a bit aprehensive, what ifs and doubts continuously flood my mind. i have my fingers crossed and have faith in the fact that i have done the best i could with the time i did, and in the circumstances i was under, all in all i would've done better had i not had this darn glandular fever, but hey... i got there.... now lets pray for a pass yeah? sooo exhibition is on next wed (the 27th) wanna come chill with me and check out some cool shit? yeah .... you know you do! see you there yea?

xxoo S.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Last Shoot for "KATGR 2010"
-11 Rolls of Ilford HP5 400 Film
- 4 hours in darkroom
Brilliance when there's stuff on the film :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lead up to EOY 2010

Oh the madness, my studio is a mess and so is my temporary studio aka The lounge of chez Wilson. Countdown is on like donkey kong... but not really....

Monday, October 18, 2010

The end is Near

...and i'm stressed beyond belief ...

Friday, October 1, 2010

The End is near

Deadline is looming - 21st of October is hand-in infact :S
The stress of my current workload in combination with suffering from a "chronic" case of Glandular fever and a whole host of other health problems (which i've never had to deal with before) isn't helping to much.
I will pass
I must pass
I will get everything done